आरईसीपीडीसीएल के बारे में
आरईसी पावर डेवलपमेंट एंड कंसल्टेंसी लिमिटेड (आरईसी पीडीसीएल) (पूर्व में आरईसी पावर डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन कंपनी लिमिटेड) एक आईएसओ 9001:2015, आईएसओ 45001:2018 और आईएसओ 14001:2015 प्रमाणित कंपनी है। आरईसी लिमिटेड की पूर्ण स्वामित्व वाली अनुषंगी कंपनी को बिजली वितरण और उससे संबंधित गतिविधियों के विकास और निवेश पर विशेष ध्यान देने के साथ स्थापित किया गया था। इसे 31 जुलाई, 2007 को करोबार प्रारंभ करने का प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त हुआ।
आरईसीपीडीसीएल की स्थापना का उद्देश्य विद्युत अधिनियम, 2003 की धारा 4 और धारा 5 के प्रावधानों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत अवसरों का लाभ उठाना था। इस अधिनियम का उद्देश्य विद्युतीकरण क्षेत्र को विभिन्न निजी कंपनियों को वितरण एवं रिटेल सप्लाई से छूट प्रदान करते हुए उन्हें विभिन्न निजी क्षेत्रों के लिए खोलना है।
- स्वास्थ्य विभाग, श्रीनगर, केंद्र शासित प्रदेश जम्मू और कश्मीर के प्रशासनिक नियंत्रण में आने वाले स्वास्थ्य संस्थानों के लिए "पूर्णतः स्वचालित बायोकैमिस्ट्री विश्लेषक" की खरीद। GeM Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5918184
- Procurement of Portable Ultrasound Machine for SNM Hospital, Leh, UT of Ladakh(GEM/2025/B/5880915 )
- Hiring of Consultants Tender for Annual Filing of SPVs of RECPDCL.
- Procurement of Ultrasound Machine for SNM Hospital, Leh, UT of Ladakh(GEM/2024/B/5582798)
- Procurement of Portable Ultrasound Machine for SNM Hospital, Leh, UT of Ladakh(GEM/2024/B/5596731)
- Engagement of consultant for direct tax advisory service(GEM/2024/B/5578608)-29.11.2024
- Engagement of consultant for Indirect direct tax advisory service(GEM/2024/B/5580569)-29.11.2024
- Expression of Interest (EOI) for “Consultancy Services for providing Specialists in various domains for RDSS project of WBSEDCL
- Empanelment of Consultancy Firms to provide Consultancy Service for Selection of Developer for Establishment of Transmission System & Selection of Renewable Energy Power Developer for Setting Up of RE Power Projects through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding route.
- Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment of EPC-cum-O&M contractors for development and O&M of Renewable Energy Power projects under seven (7) categories
- Notice for hiring of Internal and IFC auditor for the FY 2024-25
- Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Service Provider for Smart Prepaid Metering in Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited (DGVCL) Phase-II project on DBFOOT basis.
- Tender for Categorization of PSU and Preparation of Corporate Plan or Business Plan.
- Setting up a Grid-Connected 200 MW Ground- Mounted Solar PV Power Plant at Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
- Notice Tender for Appointment of Secretarial Auditor
- Appointment of System Integrator (SI) for implementation of Utility Billing system in Ladakh Power Development Department (LPDD) under SaaS model” vide Gem bid number GEM/2024/B/4754298 Dated 09-03-2024.
- Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Service Provider for Smart Prepaid Metering in Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited (DGVCL) Phase II project on DBFOOT basis.
- Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Service Provider for Smart Prepaid Metering in Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited (PGVCL) Phase II project on DBFOOT basis.
- Notice Tender for Appointment of System Integrator (SI) for implementation of Utility Billing system in Ladakh Power Development Department (LPDD) under SaaS model”.
- Notice Tender for Hiring of vehicles services for Surat Project Office.
Notice Tender for Hiring of vehicles services for Rajkot Project Office.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-01-2024 at 16:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-01-2024 at 16:30 hrs.
Notice Tender for Leasing of photocopy services.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-01-2024 at 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-01-2024 at 17:30 hrs.
Notice Tender for Leasing in of Commercial Properties - Office Space for Leh.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 01-01-2024 at 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 01-01-2024 at 15:30 hrs.
- Pre Bid Clarification.
- Corrigendum-I
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 28-11-2023 at 20:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 28-11-2023 at 20:30 hrs.
E-Limited Tender (ONLY THROUGH GeM MODE) for Empanelment of Advanced Analytics Technology Solution Providers (TSPs)- On Various Modules for State Discoms/Power Utilities.
- Corrigendum-I
- Clarifications & Amendment-1
- Corrigendum-II
- Clarifications & Amendments-II
- Corrigendum-III
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 29-11-2023 at 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 29-11-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
Notice Tender for Monthly Basis Cab & Taxi Hiring Services for RECPDCL Project offices at UT of Ladakh.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 28-08-2023 at 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 28-08-2023 at 19:30 hrs.
Notice Inviting Tender (Invited through e-Tendering mode only) for HIRING OF VEHICLE at RECPDCL Srinagar PROJECT OFFICE
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 14-08-2023 at 19:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 14-08-2023 at 19:30 hrs.
- Bid Documents for Internal Auditors of RECPDCL for the year 2023-24.
Tender For “Empanelment of Technical Consultants for Undertaking Project Management Consultancy(PMC) Services for setting up of the Solar PV Plants including Floating Solar, Ground Mounted Solar etc. at various locations across PAN India for Two Years”.
- Notification for Pre-Bid Meeting
- Corrigendum-2
- Corrigendum-3
- Clarifications & Amendment-1
- Corrigendum-4
- Corrigendum-5
Last date of bid submission: 26-06-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 26-06-2023 at 16:00 hrs.
Empanelment of Agency (ies) for Providing of Temporary/Flexi Manpower on Outsourced Basis on GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 03-05-2023 up to 16:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 03-05-2023 at 16:30 hrs.
Appointment of Service Provider (SP) for Providing Cloud hosting Space & Managed Services and Operations & Maintenance Support in MeitY Empaneled Cloud Server DC for UPPCL Web Applications & Portals on GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 11-04-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 11-04-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
- Corrigendum-1
- Clarification-1
- Corrigendum-2
- Corrigendum-3
- Corrigendum-4
- Clarification-2
- Corrigendum-5
- Corrigendum-6
- Clarification-3
- Cancellation Notice
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 10-05-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 10-05-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
- Corrigendum-1
- Clarification-1
- Corrigendum-2
- Corrigendum-3
- Corrigendum-4
- Clarification-2
- Corrigendum-5
- Corrigendum-6
- Clarification-3
- Cancellation Notice
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 10-05-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 10-05-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
Appointment of agency for providing consultancy services for developing a State-of -The- Art control room building for Area Load Dispatch Centre (ALDC) at Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal on GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 12-04-2023 up to 11:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 12-04-2023 at 11:30 hrs.
Purchase of Laptop with Licensed Microsoft Office 2021 with outlook or higher from GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 18-04-2023 up to 16:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 18-04-2023 at 16:30 hrs.
Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Service Provider for Smart Prepaid Metering in Jammu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. (JPDCL) on DBFOOT basis on GeM portal only.
- Corrigendum-1
- Corrigendum-2
- Corrigendum-3
- Amendment-1
- Amendment-2
- Corrigendum-4
- Notification for opening of financial bids
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-05-2023 up to 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-05-2023 at 17:30 hrs.
Hiring of Office Space for REC Power Development and Consultancy Limited (RECPDCL), Project Office at Jammu, UT of J&K on GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 04-04-2023 up to 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 04-04-2023 at 17:30 hrs.
Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Service Provider for Smart Prepaid Metering in Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. (KPDCL) on DBFOOT basis on GeM portal only.
- Corrigendum-1
- Amendment-1
- Amendment-2
- Corrigendum-2
- Corrigendum-3
- Corrigendum-4
- Corrigendum-5
- Corrigendum-6
- Amendment-3
- Notification
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 01-05-2023 up to 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 01-05-2023 at 17:30 hrs.
Appointment of agency for providing consultancy services for developing a State-of -The- Art control room building for Area Load Dispatch Centre (ALDC) at Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal on GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 16-02-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 16-02-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
Request of Proposal (RfP) for Empanelment of Agency (ies) for Providing of Temporary/Flexi Manpower on Contract Basis on GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 24-01-2023 up to 11:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 24-01-2023 at 11:30 hrs.
Request of Proposal (RfP) for Selection of System Integrator for Re-operationalization of AMR System Installed under Rural Feeder Monitoring System (RFMS) for Package-B through GeM Portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 30-01-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 30-01-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 30-01-2023 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 30-01-2023 at 15:30 hrs.
- RFP for Selection of Agency for Re-operationalize and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of AMR system installed under Rural Feeder Monitoring Scheme.
- " target="_blank" style="color:#ff0000;font-weight:bold;">
Empanelment of Agency (ies) for Providing Temporary/Flexi Manpower on Contract Basis from GeM portal.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 23-11-2022 up to 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 23-11-2022 at 15:30 hrs.
Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Service Provider for Implementing Prepaid Smart Metering Project in Dakshin Gujarat
Vij Company Limited (DGVCL) on DBFOOT basis from GeM portal only.
- Corrigendum for extension of Pre-Bid meeting
- Corrigendum-2
- Corrigendum-3
- Pre-Bid Clarifications & Modifications
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 23-12-2022 up to 13:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 23-12-2022 at 13:30 hrs.
Appointment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Service Provider for
Implementing Prepaid Smart Metering Project in Paschim Gujarat Vij
Company Limited (PGVCL) on DBFOOT basis from GeM portal only.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-12-2022 up to 12:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-12-2022 at 12:30 hrs.
RFP for Appointment of System Integrator for Design, Development, Implementation and O&M of RMS Solution, Customer Call Center, SMS Gateway, OMS & WFM and Web & Android Based Mobile Application Software for Photo Spot Billing & Collection System for 60,000 endpoints in UT of Ladakh on the guidelines issued for issuance of Smart Metering RfP through GeM Portal.
- Corrigendum-1
- Corrigendum-2
- Amendment-1
- Clarification-1
- Corrigendum-3
- Corrigendum-4
- Amendment-2
- Corrigendum-5
- Cancellation Notice
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 15-12-2022 up to 17:00 Hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 15-12-2022 up to 17:30 Hrs.
Procurement of AIO Desktop Computers with Pre-Installed Microsoft Office Software from GeM portal.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 01-11-2022 up to 14:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 01-11-2022 at 14:30 hrs.
बोली दस्तावेज़ जारी करने की तिथि: 06-02-2025
बोली पूर्व बैठक: 11-02-2025, 15:00 बजे से 16:00 बजे तक (आईएसटी)
बोली जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि और समय: 21-02-2025, 15:00 बजे (आईएसटी)
तकनीकी बोली खोलने की तिथि: 21-02-2025 15:30 बजे (आईएसटी)
Date of Release of Bid Document: 28-01-2025
Pre bid Meeting: 04-02-2025 at 15:00 Hrs. to 15:30 Hrs. (IST)
Last Date & Time of submission of Bid: 17-02-2025 at 17:00 Hrs. (IST)
Date of opening of technical bid: 17-02-2025 at 17:30 Hrs. (IST)
Date of Release of Bid Document: 12-11-2024
Pre bid Meeting: 18-11-2024 at 15:00 Hrs. to 16:00 Hrs. (IST)
Last Date & Time of submission of Bid: 02-12-2024 at 15:00 Hrs. (IST)
Date of opening of technical bid: 02-12-2024 at 15:30 Hrs. (IST)
Date of Release of Bid Document: 12-11-2024
Pre bid Meeting: 18-11-2024 at 16:00 Hrs. to 17:00 Hrs. (IST)
Last Date & Time of submission of Bid: 27-11-2024 at 17:00 Hrs. (IST)
Date of opening of technical bid: 27-11-2024 at 17:30 Hrs. (IST)
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 21.06.2024
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 28.06.2024
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 18.06.2024
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 21.06.2024
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 28.06.2024
Important Dates
Date of Release of Tender:21.05.2024
Last date of submission of Tender:04.06.2024 at 17:00 Hours
Bid Opening Date:04.06.2024 at 17:30 Hours
Notice to Bidders regarding fresh bid published
Notification for Financial Bid opening
Expected Timelines under the EOI
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 12.06.2024
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 18.06.2024
Last date for submission of Bid has been extended upto 21.06.2024
The last date for submission of bid has been extended : 17.05.2024
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-05-2024 11:00:00 Hours
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-05-2024 11:30:00 Hours
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 23-03-2024 16:00:00 Hours
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 23-03-2024 16:30:00 Hours
Pre-Bid Clarifications and Amendment-1
Last date for submission of bid Submission upto 29.04.2024, 03:00 PM
Notification for Financial Bid opening
Date of Release of Tender: 04.03.2024
Pre-Submission Meeting: 12.03.2024 at 11:00 Hours
Last date of submission of Tender: 02.04.2024 at 20:00 Hours
Bid Opening Date: 02.04.2024 at 20:30 Hourss
Notification for DGVCL Bid cancellation
Date of Release of Tender: 01.03.2024
Pre-Submission Meeting: 07.03.2024 at 10:00 Hours
Last date of submission of Tender: 30.03.2024 at 20:00 Hours
Bid Opening Date: 30.03.2024 at 20:30 Hours
Notification for Financial Bid Opening for PGVCL Phase-II Bid
Date of Release of EoI: 23.02.2024
Last date for queries/ seeking clarification: 11.03.2024 at 17:00 Hours
Pre-Submission Meeting: 12.03.2024 at 11:00 Hours
Last date of submission of EoI: 19.03.2024 at 11:00 Hours
Date of Opening of Applications: 19.03.2024 at 12:00 Hours
Pre-Bid Clarifications and Amendment-1
Date of Release of EoI: 23.02.2024
Last date for queries/ seeking clarification: 06.03.2024 at 17:00 Hours
Pre-Submission Meeting: 07.03.2024 at 11:00 Hours
Last date of submission of EoI: 15.03.2024 at 11:00 Hours
Date of Opening of Applications: 15.03.2024 at 12:00 Hours
Clarifications and Amendment-1
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 13-03-2024 17:00:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 13-03-2024 at 17:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 12-03-2024 at 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 12-03-2024 at 17:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-01-2024 at 15:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-01-2024 at 15:30 hrs.
- Corrigendum-1
- Corrigendum-2
- Clarification & Amendment-1
- Corrigendum-3
- Clarification & Amendment-2
- Corrigendum-4
- Notification for opening of financial bids
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-09-2022 up to 18:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 20-09-2022 at 18:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 11-08-2022 up to 12:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 11-08-2022 at 12:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 11-08-2022 up to 12:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 11-08-2022 at 12:30 hrs.
- Notification for Pre-Bid Meeting
- Corrigendum 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment-1
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Corrigendum-3
- Amendment-2
- Corrigendum-4
- Corrigendum-5
- Amendment-3
- Corrigendum-6
- Notification for opening of financial bids
Last date of submission of bid: 20-09-2022 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 20-09-2022 at 16:00 hrs.
- Corrigendum for postponement of Pre-Bid Meeting
- Notification regarding last date of submission of Pre-Bid queries
- Clarifications 1
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 3
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 7
- Revised Corrigendum 7
- Notification for opening of financial bids
Bid End Date/Time: 01-09-2022 17:00 Hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time: 01-09-2022 17:30 Hrs.
- Corrigendum 1
- Pre-Bid Notification
- Notification for postponement of Pre-Bid Meeting
- Notification for issuance of Clarifications & Amendment
- Clarification-1
- Amendment-1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 3
- Clarification & Amendment- 2
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 5
- Amendment-3
- Revised Amendment-3
- Corrigendum 6
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Notification-2 for opening of financial bids
Bid End Date/Time: 25-07-2022 17:00 Hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time: 25-07-2022 17:30 Hrs.
Last date of submission of bid: 25-02-2022 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 25-02-2022 at 15:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-03-2022 up to 10:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 02-03-2022 at 10:30 hrs.
- Corrigendum Notice
- Addendum
- Corrigendum Notice 2
- Pre-Bid Notice
- Corrigendum Notice 3
- Corrigendum Notice 4
- Response to Pre Bid Queries
- Amendment
- Corrigendum Notice 5
- Corrigendum Notice 6
- Cancellation Notice
Last date of submission of bid: 24-06-2022 up to 11:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 24-06-2022 at 15:00 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 07-02-2022 up to 10:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 07-02-2022 at 10:30 hrs.
- Notice
- RFP Document
- Notification for Pre-Bid Meeting through Video Conferencing
- Corrigendum 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 3
- Clarification 1
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 5
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 6
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Notification-2 for opening of financial bids
Last date of receipt of RFP: 16-03-2022 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bid: 16-03-2022 at 15:30 hrs.
Last date of submission of limited tender: 01-12-2021 up to 14:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of financial bids: 01-12-2021 at 16:00 hrs.
Last date of submission of bid: 01-12-2021 up to 11:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 01-12-2021 at 12:00 hrs.
Name of the agency |
M/s eConz IT Services Pvt. Ltd. |
Last date of submission of bid: 15-11-2021 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 15-11-2021 at 16:00 hrs.
Name of the agency |
M/s Codec Networks Private Limited |
Last Date of submission of limited tender: 24-09-2021 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of opening of technical bids: 24-09-2021 at 15:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s SISL Infotech Private Limited
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 24-09-2021 up to 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 24-09-2021 at 17:30 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 27-09-2021 up to 20:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 27-09-2021 at 20:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Corporate Infotech Private Limited
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 04-09-2021 up to 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 04-09-2021 at 17:30 hrs.
Last date of submission of bid: 16-09-2021 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 16-09-2021 at 16:00 hrs.
- Tender Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Addendum to Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Addendum 1
- Corrigendum 1
- Notification for Pre Bid Meeting through Video Conferencing
Last date of submission of bid: 10-09-2021 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 10-09-2021 at 17:00 hrs.
- Notification 2 for reverse auction
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 2
- Pre Bid Clarifications
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of bid: 29-07-2021 up to 16:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 29-07-2021 at 17:00 hrs.
- Notification 2 for reverse auction
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre Bid Clarifications
Last date of submission of bid: 29-07-2021 up to 16:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 29-07-2021 at 17:30 hrs.
Last date of submission of bid: 15-07-2021 up to 11:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 15-07-2021 at 12:00 hrs.
- Pre Bid Clarifications
- List of successful agency
Last date of submission of bid: 05-07-2021 up to 13:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bid: 05-07-2021 at 17:00 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 14-06-2021 12:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 14-06-2021 12:30 hrs.
Last date of submission of bid: 10-03-2021 14:00 hrs.
Date of opening of bids: 10-03-2021 14:30 hrs.
Last date of submission: 15-02-2021 11:00 hrs.
Date of Opening: 15-02-2021 12:00 hrs.
Bid End Date/Time in GeM Portal: 24-03-2021 17:00 hrs.
Bid Opening Date/Time in GeM Portal: 24-03-2021 17:30 hrs.

- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s TUV SUD South Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Last date of submission of bid: 29.01.2021 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial bid: 29.01.2021 at 16:00 hrs.
Last date of submission of tender: 08.01.2021 up to 14:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical bid: 08.01.2021 at 15:00 hrs.
- Corrigendum 2
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
- Notification for Pre-Bid meeting through Video Conferencing
Last date of submission of bid: 04.11.2020 up to 17:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bid: 05.11.2020 at 11:00 hrs.
Last date of submission of tender: 12.10.2020 up to 10:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical bids: 12.10.2020 at 11:00 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Ernst & Young LLP - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Notification
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Corrigendum 1
- Notification for Pre-Bid meeting through Video Conferencing
- Link for Pre-Bid meeting through Video Conferencing
Last date of submission of tender: 24.09.2020 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 24.09.2020 at 15:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Neogeoinfo Technologies Pvt. Ltd. M/s Prinav GIS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. M/s NK Enterprises M/s Last Peak Data Pvt. Ltd. - Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of tender: 27.08.2020 up to 14:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical bids: 27.08.2020 at 14:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial bids: 28.08.2020 at 10:30 hrs.
Last date of submission of tender: 28.08.2020 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 28.08.2020 at 17:00 hrs.
Last date of submission of tender: 02.03.2020 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 02.03.2020 at 15:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Times Vending Private Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of tender: 10.12.2019 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 10.12.2019 at 15:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s LAN Engineering & Technologies Ltd. - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Addendum 1
Last date of submission of tender: 07.11.2019 up to 13:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 07.11.2019 at 14:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Progression Infonet Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
Last date of submission of tender: 06.11.2019 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 06.11.2019 at 16:00 hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Clarification 1
- Amendment 1
Last date of submission of tender: 30.09.2019 up to 13:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 30.09.2019 at 14:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Skymet Weather Services Private Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
Last date of submission of tender: 11.09.2019 up to 12:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 11.09.2019 at 13:00 hrs.
- Tender Cancellation Notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
- Response to pre-bid queries
Last date of submission of tender: 25.09.2019 up to 13:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 25.09.2019 at 15:00 hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of tender: 03.09.2019 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 03.09.2019 at 15:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Revised Scope of Works
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Tender Drawings
Last date of submission of tender: 15.07.2019 up to 12:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 15.07.2019 at 12:30 hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Amendment/Additional to Technical Specification
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Revised-Qualifying criteria
- Revised-7b Annexure to Scope of Work -Srinagar Circle
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of tender: 28.06.2019 up to 12:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28.06.2019 at 12:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s NF Infratech Service Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last date of submission of tender: 07.06.2019 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 07.06.2019 at 16:00 hrs.
Last date of submission of online EoI: 01.05.2019 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of EoI response: 01.05.2019 up to 17:00 hrs.
- Tender Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 30
- Corrigendum 29
- Corrigendum 28
- Corrigendum 27
- Corrigendum 26
- Corrigendum 25
- Corrigendum 24
- Corrigendum 23
- Corrigendum 22
- Corrigendum 21
- Corrigendum 20
- Corrigendum 19
- Corrigendum 18
- Corrigendum 17
- Corrigendum 16
- Corrigendum 15
- Corrigendum 14
- Corrigendum 13
- Corrigendum 12
- Corrigendum 11
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 10
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Consumer Details
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3 regarding date extension & re-scheduling of pre-bid meeting
- Corrigendum 2 regarding re-scheduling of pre-bid meeting
- Corrigendum 1 regarding re-scheduling of pre-bid meeting
Last date of submission of tender: 28.01.2021 up to 13:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28.01.2021 at 14:00 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 2
- Clarifications 2
- Amendment 1
- Clarifications 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of tender: 15.04.2019 up to 17:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 15.04.2019 at 17:30 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Randstand India Private Limited M/s G.A. Digital Web Word Private Limited M/s Xeam Venture Private Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of bid: 15.01.2019 up to 14:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 15.01.2019 at 16:00 hrs.
Last date of submission of quotation: 03.12.2018 up to 11:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of quotations: 03.12.2018 at 12:00 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Spatial Geotech Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
Last date of submission of bid: 19.11.2018 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 19.11.2018 at 16:00 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Geoinfosys Technologies - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
Last date of submission of bid: 19.11.2018 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 19.11.2018 at 16:00 hrs.
- For complete details, please go to below link: GeM Portal
- Cancellation Notice
Last date of submission of Financial Bid: 01.11.2018 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial Bids: 01.11.2018 at 16:00 hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the package Name of the agency Package 1 M/s NTL Steels M/s Advance Steel Tubes Ltd. M/s Vishal Pipes Ltd. Package 2 M/s Vishal Pipes Ltd. M/s Shivam Pipe industries M/s NTL Steels - Notification for reverse auction
- Revised Notification for opening of financial bids
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last date of submission of Bid: 02.11.2018 up to 12:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 02.11.2018 at 12:30 hrs.
Last date of submission of Bid: 08.01.2019 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 08.01.2019 at 16:00 hrs.
- Tender Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 7
- Clarification & Amendment 2
- Amendment 2: IT Scope of Work
- Revised BOQ
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Revised BOQ
- Response to pre-bid queries
- Amendment 1
- Revised Technical Eligibility Criteria
- Revised Scope of work
- TechnicalSpecification- Insulation Piercing Connectors
- Technical Specifications for MeterBox
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of Bid: 08.01.2019 up to 13:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 08.01.2019 at 14:00 hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Regent Climate Connect Knowledge Solutions Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Pre Bid Clarifications
Last date of submission of Bid: 28.09.2018 up to 14:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 28.09.2018 at 15:00 hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the package Name of the agency Package 1 M/s Electro Poles Products Pvt. Ltd. M/s Vishal Pipes Ltd. Package 2 M/s NTL Steels M/s Shivam Pipe Industries M/s Vishal Pipes Ltd. - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
Last date of submission of Bid: 19.09.2018 up to 15:30 hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 19.09.2018 at 16:00 hrs.
- Name of the successful agency
1. Mr. Arshid Bashir Kachroo- Jammu Project Office 2. Mr. Ghulam Rasooldar- Srinagar Project Office - Nootification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last date of submission of Tender: 05.10.2018 up to 15:00 hrs.
Date of Opening of Tender: 05.10.2018 at 15:30 hrs.
Last Date of Submission of Financial Bid: 27-08-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial Bid: 27-08-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Lumino Industries Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 07-09-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 07-09-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Powertech Engineers - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 04-09-2018 up to 16:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 04-09-2018 up to 17:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Electro Poles Products Pvt. Ltd. M/s. Nezone Pipes & Structures - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 3
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 07-09-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 07-09-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd., Jaipur- Package 1 & 2 - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 27-08-2018 up to 17:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 27-08-2018 at 17:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s. Nucleus Energy Pvt Ltd, Mumbai & Natsakee, Guwahati JV 2. M/s. Aditi Solar Private Ltd, Medchal, Telangana 3. M/s. Naviya Technologies, Mumbai - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Annexure 16
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 27-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 27-08-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 24-09-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 24-09-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 17-08-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 17-08-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Consortium of M/s Absolute Projects (India) Ltd. (Lead Member) & M/s R.K Industries ( A unit of SRCIL, Consortium Member) M/s. GEPDEC Infratech Ltd. M/s. U.P. Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Clarification 1
Last Date of Submission of Bids: 17-08-2018 up to 16:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 17-08-2018 at 17:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Anvil Cables Pvt. Ltd. - Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Star Rising Energy Pvt. Ltd. - Annexure XI- List of agencies
Last Date of Submission of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of Financial Bids: 09-08-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Lumino Industries Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre Bid Clarifications
Last Date of Submission of bids: 08-08-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 08-08-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of EoI: 21-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of EoI: 21-08-2018 at 17:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of EoI: 21-08-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of EoI: 21-08-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Lumino Industries Ltd. M/s. U.P. Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre Bid Clarifications
Last Date of Submission of bids: 08-08-2018 up to 16:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 08-08-2018 at 17:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the package Name of the agency Package 1 & Package 3 M/s Advance Steel Tubes Ltd. M/s Utkarsh India Ltd. Package 2 Nezone Pipes & Structures - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 06-08-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 06-08-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-07-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-07-2018 at 16:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Technoview IT Solution Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 17-07-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 17-07-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of EoI: 24-07-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of EoI: 24-07-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Satnam Global Infra Projects Ltd. - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-06-2018 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-06-2018 at 14:30 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Corrigendum 1
- GCC Document
- Specifications
Last Date of Submission of bids: 11-07-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 11-07-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Tender cancellation notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Corrigendum 1
- GCC Document
- Specifications
Last Date of Submission of bids: 11-07-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 11-07-2018 at 16:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of EoI: 21-05-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of EOI: 21-05-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum
- Amendment 1
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 30-05-2018 at 15:30 Hours.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 30-05-2018 at 16:00 Hours.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Gupta Power Infrastructure Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum
- Amendment 1
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 30-05-2018 at 16:30 Hours.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 30-05-2018 at 17:00 Hours.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Techno Fab Engineering Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum
- Amendment 1
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 30-05-2018 at 14:30 Hours.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 30-05-2018 at 15:00 Hours.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Larsen & Toubro Limited Power Transmission and Distribution - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum
- Amendment 1
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 30-05-2018 at 13:30 Hours.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 30-05-2018 at 14:00 Hours.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. SYNERGY SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
- Clarification 1
- Feeder IO Count
- SCADA Signal List
- Specifications of DC Transducer
Last Date of Submission of bids: 05-02-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 05-02-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Analogics Tech India Limited - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- GCC Document
Last Date of Submission of bids: 29-01-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 29-01-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of EoI: 02-01-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 02-01-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s eConz IT Services Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for Reverse Auction
- Notification for Opening of Financial Bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 02-01-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 02-01-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency 1. M/s Yashu Enterprises 2. M/s Jai Bros. 3. M/s Bansal Sales Corporation - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 22-12-2017 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 22-12-2017 at 16:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Computerware India Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 03-01-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 03-01-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Everest Facility Management Services Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 11-12-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 11-12-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s EKI Energy Services Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 08-12-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 08-12-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Important Note
All the interested bidders (Limited to agencies as per the list given in Annexure-12 of tender document (s)), should have registered themselves in Tender Wizard Portal i.e. www.tenderwizard.com/REC. For registration process in details, please refer page no. 5 of our tender document (s). After completion of registration & Login in to the Tender Wizard Portal, if any bidder (Limited to agencies as per the list given in Annexure-12 of tender document (s)) is not able to find the tender, they are requested to immediately contact to RECPDCL as per the following details:
Contact Details of RECPDCL |
Phone: 0120-4383777/9910712555/9650793709 |
Contact Details of Tender Wizard |
Mr. Sandeep Gautam-8800496478 Mr. Harsh- 9999297644 |
Last Date of Submission of bids: 03-11-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of financial bids: 03-11-2017 at 15:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 06-10-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 06-10-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 26-02-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 26-02-2018 at 16:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-02-2018 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-02-2018 at 14:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-02-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-02-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-02-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-02-2018 at 16:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-02-2018 up to 17:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-02-2018 at 17:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 26-02-2018 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 26-02-2018 at 14:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum For Date Extension
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 26-02-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 26-02-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Annexure 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 26-03-2018 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 26-03-2018 at 14:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Shalaka InfraTech (I) Pvt. Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Annexure 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 26-03-2018 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 26-03-2018 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s. Shalaka InfraTech (I) Pvt. Limited - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 11
- Amendment 3
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
- Annexure 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 18-04-2018 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 18-04-2018 at 16:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Last Peak Data Pvt. Ltd 2. M/s Prinav GIS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 11-09-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 11-09-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Special Conditions of Contract
Last Date of Submission of bids: 20-02-2018 up to 16:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 20-02-2018 at 17:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 12
- Corrigendum 11
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Pre Bid Clarification
- Annexure-I
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Special Conditions of Contract
Last Date of Submission of bids: 09-03-2018 up to 14:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 09-03-2018 at 15:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 11
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Special Conditions of Contract
Last Date of Submission of bids: 20-02-2018 up to 14:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 20-02-2018 at 15:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Corrigendum 10
- Corrigendum 9
- Corrigendum 8
- Corrigendum 7
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Special Conditions of Contract
Last Date of Submission of bids: 20-02-2018 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 20-02-2018 at 16:00 Hrs.
S.No. | Name of the agency |
1. | M/s- Trident Tech labs Pvt. Ltd. |
2. | M/s- Ridings Consulting Engineers INDIA Pvt. Ltd. |
3. | M/s- Prinav GIS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. |
4. | M/s. Power Research and development consultants Pvt. Ltd. |
5. | M/s- Last Peak Data Private Ltd. |
6. | M/s- N.K Enterprises |
7. | M/s- N–Arc Consulting |
8. | M/s- Coord Technologies |
9. | M/s- ADCC infocad Ltd. |
10. | M/s- Ramtech Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. |
11. | M/s- Geoinfosys Technologies |
12. | M/s- AKS Construction Pvt. Ltd. |
13. | M/s- North South GIS INDIA Pvt. Ltd. |
S.No. | Participant’s Name |
1. | M/s Tata Power Delhi Distribution limited |
2. | M/s Feedback Infra Private Limited. |
3. | M/s IL & FS Energy Development Company Limited |
4. | M/s CESC Limited |
5. | M/s Ernst & Young LLP |
6. | M/s India Power Corporation Limited |
7. | M/s Shyam Indus Power Solutions Private Limited |
Last Date of Submission of bids: 20-07-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 20-07-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Amendment 1
- GCC & Tender Forms
- Specification of Mono poles
Last Date of Submission of bids: 16-06-2017 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 16-06-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Amendment 1
- GCC & Tender Forms
- Specification of Mono poles
Last Date of Submission of bids: 16-06-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 16-06-2017 at 15:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Sterlite Power Transmission Limited - Notification 5 for reverse auction
- Notification 4 for reverse auction
- Notification 3 for reverse auction
- Notification 2 for reverse auction
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 2
- Clarification
- Amendment 1
- GCC & Tender Forms
Last Date of Submission of bids: 16-06-2017 up to 14:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 16-06-2017 at 15:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Invetech Solutions LLP - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 27-04-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 27-04-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 17-04-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 17-04-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation notice
- Revised Annexure for Snap Bidding
- Notification for snap bidding
- Notification 2 for reverse auction
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Revised QCBS
- Amendment 4
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Amendment 3
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 2
- General Conditions of Contract
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- CT Ratio
- DTMS Architecture
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 02-06-2017 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 02-06-2017 at 14:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation notice
- Revised Annexure for Snap Bidding
- Notification for snap bidding
- Notification 2 for reverse auction
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment 3
- General Conditions of Contract
- Amendment 2
- Annexure A Feeder IO Count
- Revised QCBS
- Signal List
- SLDs
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 19-05-2017 up to 14:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 19-05-2017 at 15:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation notice
- Addendum for revised price bid
- Revised Annexure for snap bidding
- Notification for snap bidding
- Notification 2 for reverse auction
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 6
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 6
- Amendment 5
- Amendment 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment 3
- General Conditions of Contract
- Revised QCBS
- Amendment 2
- Revised Payment Terms
- Revised QCBS
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 02-06-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 02-06-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Notice
- Corrigendum 5
- Amendment 1
- Pre Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of EoI: 25-05-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of EoI: 25-05-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Millenium Synergy Pvt. Ltd.,Chennai 2. M/s PEC Ltd & Lord's Mark Industries Pvt Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 12-04-2017 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 12-04-2017 at 16:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. Consortium of Millenium Synergy Pvt. Ltd.(Lead Member) & M/s R.K Tech (India) Private Limited (consortium partner) 2. Consortium of M/s PEC Ltd & Lord's Mark Industries Pvt Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 12-04-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 12-04-2017 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Notification for forward auction
- Annexure- B: Acceptance Form for participation in auction event
- Annexure 2 Bank Guarantee
Last Date of Submission of bids: 27-02-2017 up to 12:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of bids: 27-02-2017 at 12:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 16-03-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 16-03-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 17-02-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 17-02-2017 at 15:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Category Name of the agency 1. Category-A & B JV of M/s Mechatronics Systems Pvt. Ltd. & M/s Samved Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. 2. Category-A & B M/s Ujaas Energy Ltd. 3. Category-A Only M/s Shakti Trans Infra - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission of bids: 28-02-2017 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 28-02-2017 at 16:30 Hrs.
- Cancellation Notice
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 2 for extension of last date and time of submission of bids and date and time of opening of technical bids
- Corrigendum 1 for extension of last date and time of submission of bids and date and time of opening of technical bids
Last Date of Submission of bids: 27-02-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids: 27-02-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission of bids: 23-01-2017 up to 12:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of financial bids: 23-01-2017 at 12:30 Hrs.
- Name of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s UCC & Associates LLP - Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 24-01-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening : 24-01-2017 at 15:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Prinav GIS Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Last Date of Submission of financial bid: 04-01-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of financial bids : 04-01-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s CCS Computers Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 06-01-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 06-01-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Transtek Infoways Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 06-01-2017 up to 11:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 06-01-2017 at 12:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Weather Risk Management Services Private Limited - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 1 for extension of last date of submission of bids and opening of technical bids
Last Date of Submission: 09-01-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 09-01-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.

Last Date of Submission of quotations: 27-12-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of quotations: 27-12-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.

- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s K.L Jaisingh & Co.
Last Date of Submission: 28-12-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening : 28-12-2016 at 15:30 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Blue Max India - Corrigendum 4 for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 3 for extension of last date of submission of bids and opening of technical bids
- Corrigendum 2 for extension of last date of submission of bids and opening of technical bids
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 1 for extension of last date of submission of bids and opening of technical bids
Last Date of Submission: 19-01-2017 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 19-01-2017 at 17:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s Lucky Generators Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 26-12-2016 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 26-12-2016 at 17:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
S.No. Name of the agency 1. M/s T&M Services Consulting Pvt. Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Pre-Bid Clarification
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 01-05-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 01-05-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 27-04-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 27-04-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 17-04-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 17-04-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Sify Technologies Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Annexure 1
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 13-01-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 13-01-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s NF Infratech Services Pvt. Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 24-10-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 24-10-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Vastu Sadan
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
- Note for tender
Last Date of Submission: 27-09-2016 up to 16:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 27-09-2016 at 17:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 27-05-2016 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 27-05-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 04-08-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 04-08-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 27-05-2016 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 27-05-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Mass Callnet India Pvt. Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 23-05-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 23-05-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Pragyaware Informatics Pvt. Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 17-05-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 17-05-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 15-03-2016 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 15-03-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: Netsoft Consulting Services (P) Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 15-03-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 15-03-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Cancellation notice
- Revised list of successful agencies
- List of successful agencies
- Corrigendum 1
- Pre-Bid Clrifications
Last Date of Submission: 10-03-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 10-03-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agencies against EOI No. RECPDCL/Tech/EOI/Empanelment/2015-16/2703 dated 17.12.2015 as below:
S.No. Participant’s Name 1. M/s Tata Power Delhi Distribution limited 2. M/s Feedback Infra Private Limited. 3. M/s IL & FS Energy Development Company Limited 4. M/s CESC Limited 5. M/s Ernst & Young LLP 6. M/s India Power Corporation Limited 7. M/s Shyam Indus Power Solutions Private Limited - Corrigendum 3
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 16-02-2016 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 16-02-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
- List of successful agency
Name of the agency M/s Punam Energy Pvt Ltd. - Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Annexure-F (Revised CMC Format)
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 23-12-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 23-12-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 10-11-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 10-11-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 3
- Corrigendum 3
- Revised Postal Addresses
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 2
- Postal Addresses
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 10-11-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 10-11-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Ricoh India Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Response to pre-bid queries
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 09-11-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 09-11-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Ricoh India Ltd.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Amendment 2
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Response to Pre-Bid Queries
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 09-11-2015 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 09-11-2015 at 15:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Paradise Stationers and Xerox
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 19-10-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 19-10-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- response to Pre-Bid queries
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 15-10-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 15-10-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- response to Pre-Bid queries
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 15-10-2015 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 15-10-2015 at 15:00 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- response to Pre-Bid queries
- Amendment 1
- Clarificcation 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 06-10-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 06-10-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 01-10-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 01-10-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 21-09-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 21-09-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 30-09-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 30-09-2015 at 15:30 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 20-08-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 20-08-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Response to pre-bid queries
- Corrigendum 2
- Response to pre-bid queries
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 28-07-2015 up to 16:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 28-07-2015 at 16:30 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 2
- Amendment 1
- EMD Format
- General Conditions of Contract
- Pre-Bid Clarifications
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 09-06-2015 up to 14:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 09-06-2015 at 14:30 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Revised Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 5
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 2
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 28-07-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 28-07-2015 at 15:30 Hrs.
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 4
- Corrigendum 3
- Corrigendum 2
- Response to pre-bid queries
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 23-06-2015 up to 13:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 23-06-2015 at 13:30 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Om Logic Consulting Media Pvt. Ltd.
- Notification for reverse auction
- Notification for opening of financial bids
- Corrigendum 1
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 06-11-2015 up to 15:30 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 06-11-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Glocaledge Consultants
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 1
Last Date of Submission: 14-09-2015 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 14-09-2015 at 16:00 Hrs.
- Name of Successful Firm: M/s Jakson Engineers Ltd.
- Amendment 1
- Corrigendum 1
Last Date of Submission: 23-08-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of technical bids : 23-08-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 04-01-2017 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of financial bids : 04-01-2017 at 16:00 Hrs.
Last Date of Submission: 28-06-2016 up to 15:00 Hrs.
Date of Opening of financial bids : 28-06-2016 at 16:00 Hrs.